Friday, December 24, 2010

Story to a Novel

Once again sitting in my office (Starbucks) listening to "Mumford and Sons" and thinking back on yesterdays events. These events is like seeing a story take off and one that you sit back and just look in awe at it. This story started about 3 months ago when I met a family on the streets. Greg, Angela, and Jade, three people who find themselves surviving in the woods. As I got to know them, I discovered that they are happy, maybe not about their situation, but that they are together. Even at their camp site they already had a Christmas tree set up in the middle one of their tents. The church that I am serving with decided to step into this families life and basically adopt them. So let me get to yesterday.

Brevard Rescue Mission wanted to pay for a weeks stay at a efficiency and the church did the angel tree deal. So I went and got a real christmas tree, some lights, and candy canes to decorate it. Then I met Trudy, who has been helping me on Tuesdays, with the presents that were gathered. As we were bringing them in we met Cathy who was staying at the same hotel with her very nice, big, pit bull. We told her what was going on and she said she wanted to buy something for the daughter. She came back not even a minute later with tears in her eyes and a $50 gift card for the whole family. The card she received from her sister and the tears because how God has blessed her and gave her an opportunity to bless some else. You see Cathy told us her story that took place 34 years ago when she gave up her daughter for adoption, but her story had redemption as she reunited with her daughter this year and welcomed her back into her life.

As we were still hearing Cathy's story the room service lady came in to vacuum up the fallen pine needles from the newly awesomely (okay maybe not awesomely) decorated tree. Cathy yelled to her and said what we were doing. The lady said "We need more people doing this." After that was all done we were leaving down the hallway of the hotel and the owner of the place was walking towards us. She said she heard what was going on and wanted to help. She then said "the week is on us." I even said "you know it is for a week, right?" She then said "Use that money to help them get something when they get a place."

You see how a simple story can become a epic novel, a novel that may never end. So during this Christmas season, no wait, during the rest of your life, look for that story that you can step into and help it become a glorious novel.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not looking to do a temporary deal!

In my last post I talked about the family homeless not giving up. Well they continue to be strong and they all have such an awesome spirit about their situation. I told some people at the church I serve at about it they wanted to know how they could help. I told them that I would look to see what they would need. Greg, the father of the family, said, "Ivy we just need water and coleman fuel for our grill, oh and if you could maybe a tarp to cover our tent and nails for our other shelter." I was able to get that for them right away.

Last Tuesday, I came back with what they needed, which was now only a tarp, and the pastor said they don't want to do a temporary fix. They want to walk with this family and help get them back on their feet. We are looking for housing for them and the church wants to possibly pay for the whole year and then also help mentor this family. We are looking to find a dentist to repair the wife's teeth to help give her confidence in job interviews. They want to help Jade, a sophomore girl in high school, have a great Christmas. I am so excited to see so many people wanting to walk with this family and walking with them is not temporary, but a journey hand and hand.

What if the church did this, you know, instead of making a temporary fix and feeling like they did something, but actually stepping and walking with a family or a person through their given situation? Even if it is ugly, broken, and shitty. (crappy just doesn't cut it sorry for the language)

Isn't that what making disciples would actually look like? Being Christ so they can be Christ.


Monday, November 1, 2010

"Don't Give Up!"

I got to teach yesterday at C4TB on 1 Peter 3:13-22. I was reminded that we are not to give up, because the battle is already won. Victory is ours! And that is why we have hope, hope that Christ desires us to be.

Tuesdays have been good in that we are continuing to meet needs and also continuing to build relationships. But it doesn't mean there isn't times that one just wants to scream "INJUSTICE". The bridge is getting a huge makeover and since they been doing that it seems that some of the regulars are getting trespassed from that area. If they give a cause for themselves to be trespassed then they have to suffer the consequences, but for those who haven't given anyone a reason, that is injustice. So, I am have packing up extra food and driving to where I know they will be, cause once again there isn't an "if" cause on Matt 25:45.

I met a new family that are down on their luck, but are surviving. They have two daughters, one 19 but is mentally challenge and one that is 15. Jade (15) is attending high school. This family is living out in the woods, but man, their spirits are alive. I asked "what do you need?". The reason I ask this one question is because you can actually sometimes tell if they are really in need or if they are trying to provide a need to their own personal vice. Greg, the dad, said all they need is water to cook. Angela, the mom, spoke up and said we could also use some camping oil. Two simple items that are so easy for us to get. I give them my card and said if I call you know that I will be bringing these items. I am hoping to do that later this week for even the finances on my end are tight to say the least. But, let me remind you, their spirits were alive. They believe that God will provide. Provide for them where they are at in this point of their journey. Do we believe that for ourselves?

I will share next week about Michelle and how I constantly pray for her to stay clean even though she has put herself back walking the streets.

Hope is here, it is Christ, and it also needs us to be the hands and feet. Pray that you will answer when He calls.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hey All

It has been a long while since I put anything up here, so quick update and then later on a thought.

Since my last post I have made some bad decisions, seen a counselor (highly recommend it for everyone), been forgiven, been restored, been renewed with Kingdom energy, work in the service industry and loving it, continue to see God move on the streets, and always and I mean always seeing His grace and mercy everyday.

that is the update on my life and soon some thoughts will be coming.

see ya